Equip Seminar on March 2nd
Don't miss our Equip Seminar on March 2nd, 2019, 9:30 am, at Lakeside Community Church.
We will have four different topic areas for our Breakout sessions:
- Worship
- Bible
- Audio
- Art
Art Presenter: Rosie Martindale
Our Art Presenter will be Rosie Martindale of Martindale Artventures
Rosie Martindale enjoys creating art which explores introspective communication with God.
She holds an M.A. from Governors State University in Fine Art, with a concentration in Painting.
Rosie currently teaches drawing and painting. She has exhibited her constructions, paintings, and miniature art locally and nationally.
Rosie will be offering these two breakouts:
- Visual Art in the Sanctuary: Then and Now
- Make and Take: Drawing on Scripture to Create Art
Register Today!
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EQUIP webpage
For more information, please go to our Equip webpage: worshiparts.net/equip