The Lord is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise Him, my father’s God, and I will exalt Him. Exodus 15:2 ESV
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A. W. Tozer Quote
God’s purpose in redemption is to make worshipers out of rebels. A. W. Tozer
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Prayer is the rope that pulls God and man together. But it doesn’t pull God down to us. It pulls us up to Him. Billy Graham
Continue readingWorship is love responding to Love. Judson Cornwall
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Praise the LORD! Sing to the LORD a new song. Sing His praises in the assembly of the faithful. Psalm 149:1 NLT
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Every Christian needs a half-hour of prayer each day, except when he is busy, then he needs an hour. Francis de Sales
Continue readingPsalm 59 – Deliver Me
Sometimes it seems like all of our prayers are, “God, Help me!” If you are in one of those seasons, you are not alone. Over and over in the psalms we see David crying out to God for help. Yet through it all David continues to find hope.
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