Affordable Worship Education

The Worship Education Delimma

The High Costs of a Worship College

Worship Arts Conservatory is an affordable, debt free alternative to the rising costs of Worship Education. The costs of attending college continue to rise each year. According to US News and World Report the annual cost of attending a private college in 2022 was $39,723.

Considering that most people in ministry receive lower salaries than those in secular work, this is simply too expensive. So how can a future worship leader get a good, high quality, comprehensive education in worship but not go into debt?

Our Solution

The answer is Worship Arts Conservatory. Our Tuition is significantly lower than the average Worship College. Our tuition is $200 per credit, so your annual cost (based on 24 credits) is only $4,800. All students receive a Vanguard Scholarship of $100 per credit, reducing your annual tuition to only $2,400.

Compare and Save!

Average Worship College:

More than $30,000 Annual Tuition before scholarships

Worship Arts Conservatory:

$4,800* per year before scholarships

only $2,400* after scholarships!

*Based on 24 credits per year.

Affordable Online and In Person Worship Education

We offer most of our courses online or you can attend in person at our location just north of Detroit, MI. Our Worship Leadership Certificate and Diploma (equivilant to an associates degree) can be completed online. Our Advanced Diploma (equivilant to a bachelor's degree) requires some weekends on location.

If you live near our St. Clair Shores location you may be qualified for our Apprenticeship which includes a scholarship that covers most of your tuition.

Don't I Need a Degree from a Worship College?

You only need a worship degree if the denomination or church that you are hoping to serve in requires a degree for Worship Pastors and if you desire that title. Requiring a worship ministry degree from a college is more common in older or more traditional churches and much less common in contemporary and newer churches.

Another reason you may wish to have a degree is if you plan on continuing your studies by getting a master's degree. For those seeking a degree we offer partnerships with select colleges.

See our page Do I Need a Worship Degree for more information.

Your Choice for Quality Worship Education

Affordable Worship Education

Comprehensive Training

Available Online and In Person

Biblical Values

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