Cap and Degree

Do I Need a Worship Degree?

What Are Churches Looking For?

Most churches, when looking for a new worship leader or pastor, are looking for these four things:

  1. Video - A quality video that showcases your ability to lead a worship service is essential to convincing a church to consider you as their worship leader. As a WAC student, you will make your video during your final worship practicum.
  2. Solid Biblical and Spiritual Foundation - Pastors want to know that their worship leader is familiar with the bible and christian theology and has a heart for seeking God. At WAC we offer courses in all of these topics.
  3. Experience - Churches want to know that their worship leader has had experience in leading worship. As a WAC student you will be involved in many ensemble courses that develop your skills as a musician.
  4. Lead a Rehearsal - The church will also want to know if you can lead a rehearsal effectively. We offer multiple courses that help you to develop this skill.

If you can have the above materials and skills, then most churches will consider you for a worship leader position even if you do not have a degree. At WAC we offer training in all of the above plus you will receive a certificate or diploma that will give proof of your training.

When Do I Need a Worship Degree?

You only need a worship degree if the denomination or church that you are hoping to serve in requires a degree for Worship Pastors and if you desire that title. Worship Degrees are more common in older or more traditional churches and much less common in contemporary and newer churches.

Another reason you may wish to have a degree is if you plan on continuing your studies by getting a master's degree. Accredited universities may require an accredited degree before accepting you into their master's program. But not all masters level programs require an accredited degree. The Institute for Worship Studies, for example, will accept students for their master's program without an accredited degree on a case by case basis.

If you still feel you need a degree then check out our Degree Paths.

Affordable Worship Education

Ready to start your worship training without worrying about the high costs of getting a worship degree? Then select the program below to start your journey!

Worship Leadership

Children's Worship