Dance Diploma

The Worship Dance Diploma is a 70 credit hour program designed to lay a solid foundation for dance performance.

Career and Ministry Opportunities

  • Church Ministry: Dance Director, Dance Team
  • Other: Dance Instructor

Program Goals

Upon graduation, the student will

  • Have a general knowledge of the Bible and its doctrines.
  • Understand how to develop a growing relationship with God, in Christ, through the Spirit.
  • Be well rounded in General Studies including Communication, Mathematics, Fine Arts, Culture and Logic
  • Understand basic liturgical dance history and composition.
  • Have the skills necessary to perform dance at a 2nd year college level.

It is designed for those seeking part-time employment.  Those seeking full-time employment are encouraged to obtain a 4 year degree.

General Education – 22 credits hours

Bible Core Classes – 18 credit hours

General Dance – 18 credit hours

DAN-101 Introduction to Worship Dance

3 credit hours

An introduction to dance as a means of worship by examining the history, terminology and basic techniques of dance as applied to a Christian setting.

DAN-240 Dance Composition I

3 credit hours

An introduction to the fundamental elements and principles of the art and craft of dance composition. Students will learn to design both solo and group choreography.

DAN-340 Dance Composition II

3 credit hours

A continuation of the principles learned in Dance Composition I.  Students will learn to design both solo and group choreography. Prerequisite: DAN-240

DAN-260 History and Theology of Liturgical Dance

2 credit hours

A survey of how dance has been used throughout Judeo/Christian history. Study the ethics, theology and history of liturgical dance. Prerequisite: DAN-101.

DAN-270 Music for Dance I

2 credit hours

An introduction to the fundamentals of music through the study of terminology, notation, elements and form as they relate to movement. Explore the interrelationship of music and dance.

DAN-370 Music for Dance II
2 credit hoursA continuation of the study begun in Music for Dance I. Study the terminology, notation, elements and form as they relate to movement. Explore the interrelationship of music and dance. Prerequisite: DAN-270
WOR-290 Worship Practicum

3 credit hours

Apply worship training in a real-world setting. Build practical skill and gain experience through work in a professional setting. Church or para-church ministry settings will be given priority.

Performance – 12 credit hours

DAN-110 Ballet I

2 credit hours

An introduction to the basic skills and terminology of ballet. Students will practice barre and center exercises based upon the classical ballet vocabulary and theories of order, tempo, placement and musicality.

DAN-120 Modern Dance I

2 credit hours

An introduction to the basic principles of modern dance. Students will explore styles, dynamics and alignment through floorwork, locomotor patterns, improvisation and movement combinations.

DAN-250 Dance Ensemble

4 credit hours

Study and perform a variety of dance repertoires in many dance styles.

DAN-210 Ballet II

2 credit hours

Continue the developmental process of the fundamental technical applications of classical ballet begun in Ballet I.

DAN-280 Recital

2 credit hours

Preparation and performance of a public dance recital.