
The Worship Arts Conservatory objectives are based on our Mission and Philosophy of Education.

It is the goal of WAC that each student will meet the following learning outcomes:



Through instruction and study, the student will

  • possess a general education appropriate to their program level (certificate = 1 year of college, diploma = 2 years of college, advanced diploma = 4 year degree)
  • understand the concepts necessary for professional application of their field of study
  • demonstrate college-level knowledge in their chosen field appropriate for their program level
  • be prepared to pursue further college, graduate or professional studies appropriate for their program level
Guitar player


Through training, personal practice and practical experience, the student will

  • have the competence to apply their knowledge to real-world situations
  • have acquired the physical skills and ability to perform at a grade appropriate to their program level
    • those with a Certificate will be qualified to serve effectively in a church ministry
    • those with a Diploma will be qualified to serve or possibly lead a small church ministry in their field of study
    • those with an Advance Diploma will be equal to a college graduate and be prepared to seek either graduate studies or begin a full time career.
  • have competence in using the technology common to their area of study.


Through classes, chapel, peer and instructor relationships, and church attendance, the student will

  • gain a foundational understanding of the story, themes and structure of the Bible
  • understand the theological foundation for Christian worship
  • learn how to cultivate a growing daily relationship with God
  • develop the heart, habits and character of one who worships in spirit and truth