Apprenticeship FAQ

Find answers to frequently asked questions. If you still have questions, feel free to reach out to us through our contact page

What is an apprenticeship? Is it a job?

Yes! Our Worship Leader Apprenticeship program is a career-focused, worship ministry pathway where churches can develop and prepare future worship leaders, and individuals can obtain work experience, classroom instruction, mentorship, and a Worship Leadership Diploma. Compensation for ministry in the host church is applied to the Apprentice's tuition at Worship Arts Conservatory covering the cost of their education.

How is apprenticeship different from other types of work-based training models?

Apprenticeship training is distinguished from other types of workplace training by several factors:

(1) Apprenticeships are real ministry! Apprentices earn a work-study scholarship from their host church during training that is applied directly to their tuition.

(2) Apprenticeship programs provide on-the-job learning and worship-related classroom training;

(3) On-the-job learning is conducted in the church setting under the direction of a mentor; and

(4) Training results in Worship Leadership Diploma with credit that transfer to select colleges.

What is the difference between an apprenticeship and an internship?

There is no official definition of internship or externship. However, generally speaking, differences between internships and apprenticeships include:

1)   Length of Time: Internships are usually short term (1-3 months) and apprenticeships are longer term (2-3 years).

2)      Structure:

  1.   Apprenticeships include a structured training plan, with a focus on mastering specific skills a worship leader needs to effectively lead a worship ministry in a church.
  2.   Internships aren’t structured and often focus on entry-level general work experience.

3)    Mentorship: Apprentices receive individualized training with an experienced mentor who walks them through their entire process. Internships do not always include mentorship.

4)    Pay: Apprenticeships are paid experiences (you receive a full-time scholarship to Worship Arts Conservatory) that teaches all the skills needed to start a career in worship ministry. Internships are often unpaid (and in some churches the intern pays for the privilege) and may not lead to a full-time job.

5)    Credential: Apprenticeships lead to a Worship Leadership Diploma. Internships typically do not lead to a credential.

6)    College Credit: Although internship and apprenticeship experiences may both lead to college credit, our apprenticeship programs lead to a debt-free transferable college credits equal to nearly two years of college study.

How long are apprenticeship programs?

Our Worship Leader Apprenticeship program will take 2-3 years depending on how many credits are taken each term and whether the apprentice continues during the Summer Term.

Are your classes transferable to other colleges or universities?
Each college can set its own standards for transfer of credits.  We currently have transfer agreements with a few select college. To see the list go to Degree Paths.