God is talking to You. Are You Listening?

I believe God wants to speak to you today.  Are you listening to God? I have no idea what He wants to tell you, but then, it is none of my business.  That is between you and God.  What makes me think God desires to talk to you?  If you are a Christian, let me give you three reasons:

You have the Spirit within you.

John 14:16-17 tells us that, if you are a believer, you have the Spirit of God in you.  As the great apologist Francis Schaeffer once titled a book, "He is There and He Is Not Silent".  If God dwells in you, then it is reasonable to assume He will not be silent.


You know God

Hebrews 8:10-11 talks about an intimacy we can have with God such that His laws are written on our hearts.  But this passage goes much further.  It says you will not need someone to teach you because you will know God.  This is referring to an intimacy with God that transcends the need for others to tell you about God because you already know Him personally.  In context, the author is arguing that the New Covenant we have in Christ is the fulfillment of this promise.  If you are a believer than you can know God intimately.

The Spirit will communicate truth to you

In John 16:13-14 Jesus promises His disciples that when the Spirit comes to them He will speak truth to them.  Lest you think this was a special promise just to the disciples, the Apostle John repeats the promise to all believers when he tells us in 1 John 2:27 that the "anointing" that abides in us will teach us everything.  John goes so far as to say that with the anointing of the Spirit you no longer need someone to teach you.

If you are a believer, then God dwells in you and is telling you the truth you need to know.  Are you listening to God?

If you are not a believer, then the Bible tells us in Revelation 22:17 that God's Spirit is calling you to come to Him.  You too can hear from God.  Are you willing to come?

Question:  What things have you done that have helped you to hear God's voice more clearly?  Please leave a comment.

by Jerry Wyrick, President of Worship Arts Conservatory

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